Friday, February 10, 2012

Jesu Juva

I read recently that Sebastian Bach not only signed each of his scores with the letters S.D.G, Soli Deo Gloria at the end, but he opened them with J.J. Jesus Juva (Jesus help).

Jesus Juva

Jesus, help. Breathe life and beauty into my work.

Jesus, help. I can't do this without you.

Jesus, help. As the Israelites in the desert willed their gaze upon a bronze serpent.

Jesus, help. As I beseech this cup to pass.

Jesus, help. As I pray Your will be done.

Jesus, help. As I take Your yolk upon me.

Jesus, help. As I tend my flock.

Jesus, help. As I run the race, fight the fight, live my faith.

Jesus, help. And haste the day when my faith will be sight!

Jesus, glorified.


Anonymous said...

Amen. Did you write this Amy? Beautiful.



Amy said...

Yes, Adela.