Thursday, March 12, 2009

Miss Ayisha

She has had a couple rough days. Yesterday, while in the middle of active play, a vicious seizure took hold. This is the first time this has happened outside of a sleep cycle. And honestly, it is unnerving to realize a new pattern may have begun. We have been working with her neurologists on getting her admitted to an epilepsy unit, where her seizures would not only be closely monitored but instigated with the intent of pinpointing their origin. If, as it seemed up until yesterday, the seizures are localized, then surgery may be a possibility for her. I desperately hope I am wrong, but I think yesterday's seizure began on the opposite side of the brain from the norm. If so, this immediately eliminates surgical options.

Please pray for our sweet girl, for her sisters (as I am convinced the Lord intends to build something uniquely beautiful in them through this), and for Steve and I as we continue to lift our daughter before the throne of the ONE who made her.

May we persevere in faith, hope, and love.


Turquoise Gates said...

How you think of anything else at all just amazes me, Amy. In your post and photo, I see the awesome potential of wise and wonderful womanhood in this beautiful specimen God created. I pray she realizes that potential here...where we can watch her. Praying they find options that will not limit her creativity and "sparkle" but will effectively control these seizures.

Love to all of you!

Unknown said...

oh, you beautiful girl! i am praying without ceasing for you, little sister in Jesus! you do, indeed, sparkle! Jesus, pick up your little girl and allow her to dance where we all may dance with her!!!

aim, have you heard about some type of MRI being used for head trauma patients that is showing the pinpoint location of seizure activity? probably this is what they will do? our neurologist mentioned it today at our check-up. oh, how i wish to see the beautiful outpouring of Jesus in your home... and to hold your hand as you all walk this hard, hard road...