Thursday, November 6, 2008


Today I see opportunity. It is a day to rejoice in the unchangeable goodness of the Lord. I have the opportunity to influence my children by modeling peace and joy. This is Wisdom's call to me. Complete trust in the One who places kings on their thrones. We will respect our president- elect. We will pray for him in earnest. And we will recommit to living out the love that governs our ideals, by His grace. Today IS a new day.


Emily said...

Good call. I hope everyone else in the Christian community can have as mature and honest a reaction.

Unknown said...

ah, and amen. just today, as is so appropriate when God is involved, our curriculum asked that we discuss the balance of the church's power with God's ordaining of governmental leadership... about the balance between honor of man and obedience to God... about gentleness and courage.