Tuesday, November 4, 2008

humble pie

I was pleasantly surprised when Manda woke up early this morning and asked when we were going to go vote. Maybe they had been paying attention after all! Earlier this year Steve and I took them on a tour of our Capital Building and I had one of those, "Will you LISTEN to me, I'm TRYING to TEACH you something here!" moments (snarled with hushed flailing)! "WHAT is a bill? And WHO passes the bill? What is the House of Representatives?" Sigh. "Oh, never mind". Anyway, not one of my finer mothering or teaching days. So over the course of the presidential race, we have prayed for our current and upcoming leader, emphasizing the responsibility and privilege it is to vote and pretty much left the civic lesson at that. Honestly, I was a bit proud of them for their eagerness and interest today. They had several good questions about the candidates. I wasn't quite sure that Ayisha was catching it all though. As she concluded her physical therapy appointment this afternoon, her therapist asked her what her plans for the day were. Ayisha heartily replied, "We are going to bake cookies and then vote for the American Idol!"


Emily said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I love that girl sooo much! Sad fact though, more people vote for American Idol every year than vote for president.

Amy said...

Hey Em! I can't believe I'm up with the college night owls! Yes, Ayisha is hilarious and it's a crazy society that cares more about the pop singer...Anyway, check out Genevieve's blog. It is a reminder of what matters and she is a gifted writer as well. It is the turquoise gates linked on my blog. Hugs! Can't wait to see you!

Special Delivery said...

Ayisha is quite the pip! I love it! I wonder where she gets it...