Thursday, February 23, 2012


Last night I started reading Pilgrim's Inn by Elizabeth Goudge, one of my very favorite authors. Why do I smile every time I think about this line,

"And she vastly preferred writing a letter and walking with it to the post to using the telephone and hearing with horrors her voice committing itself to things she would never have dreamed of doing if she'd had the time to think."

The story of my life (well, the last bit anyway). :)


emily said...

Yes! You know my thoughts on this :)

Susannah said...

Isn´t that true. I think the same thing every time I send off an email without giving it much though.

Susannah said...

Of course I say that with two letters sitting on my kitchen table, that have been waiting days for their walk to the mailbox.

Turquoise Gates said...

Yes - there is something to be said for the delay of printed communication...time to think before we speak, to craft our words with beauty, avoid all those peer pressures of in-person conversation and the online forms of communication fraught with their paucity of emotion. What a great quote!