Thursday, November 27, 2008

why don't we just begin with pie?


Turquoise Gates said...

I didn't know you bake pie. Your crust edges look perfect. My mother gave my pies the faint praise of "They look nice - kind of modern." I.e. my fluted edges were a little free-form! We had a feast today, laced with sorrow. My little Caleb is begging to nurse NON-STOP and has now generalized his loud requests of "na-na-na" to any female relative who will listen, great-grandmas, grandmas, aunts, great-aunts! My brother is threatening to join a very dangerous para-military SWAT force (Blackwater) and all of us feel nearly sick at the thought. No one ate much, although we did wade through 4 pies or so (there were 30 of us).

Papa Jay said...

It was 7 pies for 14 adults and 6 kids (3 under 8 months!). It just seemed like 30. And, yes, Gen's pies edge did look "modern".

There is a small bake/cupcake shop in Eau Claire named Dessert First. Definitely my kind of shop.

For the time being, my son has decided to stick it out waiting to see if he gets on part-time with the local small town police. It's a perfect fit for him.